Momentum Score
The Momentum Score widget is a holistic measure of a company’s market performance, encapsulating key growth indicators in a single, intuitive visualisation.
Example: within the Transcription Services Market
The Momentum Score widget is a dynamic data visualisation tool that measures and displays the performance momentum of a company within a specific market. It aggregates various performance indicators such as web traffic, media coverage, media sentiment, revenue estimates, and funding over a period (for instance, the last four years) into a single, composite score. This score is visually represented in a radar or spider chart, allowing for an intuitive understanding of the company’s market position and growth trajectory.
The darker fill within the chart indicates higher scores in the respective domains, and the overall score is usually presented as a number, signifying the company’s combined performance strength. The Momentum Score is a crucial tool for investors, analysts, and business leaders who require a quick yet comprehensive view of a company’s trajectory and market influence.
Strategic Insight: The Momentum Score offers critical insights into a company’s growth and market influence, allowing stakeholders to make informed strategic decisions.
Competitive Benchmarking: It provides a benchmark against competitors, highlighting areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.
Trend Analysis: The tool aids in identifying trends over time, offering a clear view of how a company’s market position evolves in response to internal and external factors.
Using In Your Own Web-pages / Web-apps
The Forestreet Momentum Score widget is simple to use and embed in any webpage or webapp.
Simply copy and paste the HTML snippet below, providing a marketId at the end of the src URL. You can provide any marketId found within the Forestreet database. Markets can be searched using the Search Market endpoint.
// e.g: